Heya, been quite a long time, hasn't it? So, here are some news:
1. "Far Off Memories" is progressing well, though I need more inspiration for the plot;
2. I haven't updated or continued "Path of the Master of Future" yet, because there's lack of inspiration, but I still have scenes in mind that I only CONSIDER writing out independently. Maybe that will help me progress it;
3. I don't know how things are gonna go with Royale High AU. I can't say I forgot about it completely.
And now, here comes a major update:
NEW STORY UPCOMING!!! "I named it "Vita Cruciata Legenda"(it means "Life of the Tormented Legend"), and I can't exactly share its contents yet! However, one thing's for sure: it has a chance of crossing with the events of "Far Off Memories". The main protagonist of "Vita Cruciata Legenda" makes a great influence on the main protagonist of "Far Off Memories"!
That's all for now! See ya!