
Question-do you think that cereal is meant to be eaten with milk?


I thought I had experienced true embarrassment a long time ago. I also experienced it twice this week. You will never experience true embarrassment until you either flirt with a gay guy's boyfriend (that's a long, hilarious story, by the way), or have all of your teachers (or at least your favorite ones)  be aware of the fact that you flirted with a gay guy's boyfriend. Or your whole school, which currently consists of 84 people.


Happy almost Halloween, guys!
          Random question of the day:
          Since you're never too old to trick or treat, or to dress up, what will you be for Halloween?
          I am going to be Deputy Dewey, from Scream. It's going to be such a killer costume!


One of the greatest feelings in the world is getting something off of your chest. There's almost nothing greater than feeling like there's no more weight on your shoulders. 
          Except for eating chocolate. 
          I mean, let's face it. Chocolate is literally bae. 


This is a message to all of the haters, especially the ones at school.
          1. If you have a problem with me, say it to my face. I don't want your lapdogs confronting me. If you're too weak to confront me, then don't hate on me. 
          2. If you call yourself my friend and then disagree with my life choices, you lose the right to call me your friend. 
          3. I don't care if you choose to hate on me. That just means I don't need you as a friend. 
          I'm sick of all the hating going on at school riight now, but I refuse to let it bother me. 
          If you hate on me, I don't need you. I've got great friends, and they are much better people than you'll ever be. Plus they're not cowardly and weak like other people clearly are. 
          That's all. Have a nice day, and keep reading!