cb && spec or drop :) i will reply in the morning <3
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cb && spec or drop :) i will reply in the morning <3
cb && spec or drop :) i will reply in the morning <3
“Hey there, Tiger!” A certain ginger haired young woman called out to the other. MJ carefully made her way towards him, holding a couple of books in her hand as she made her way down the hall. “You were late this morning…what kept you?” She had to smile as she adjusted the strap of her backpack.
@nycwebz the redhead had to laugh as she looked to peter. she shook her head as she held her books in her arms. “better late than never right?” she grinned as she leaned against one of the walls. “you didn’t miss much anyways…”
/ @-webbedup / ⠀⠀⠀ | peter was grabbing textbooks from his locker when he heard someone call his nickname . he turned ,, smiling when he saw MJ walking toward him . he made his way to meet her halfway . " hey MJ ,, i missed the train ,, again . " a nervous laugh slipped out . it wasn ' t exactly a lie — he did miss the train — but only because he had to stop a mugging .
@ SHIVANI ? ! … The night was bustling as per its usual ; Lights flickering , Horns honking , Chatter from the streets , you name it . And , above it all , was the spider-hero who was freaking out over the building that was engulfed by flames . And Shivani was just a proud , but slightly confused , cat for her work ! “ What’s wrong , spider ? “ She groaned a little , his panicked rambles starting to bother her , “ You said to ‘ blow this joint ‘ .. so I did ! “ The Russian female turned on her paws , looking up happily to the flames ! Hands on hips , her tail swayed to the breeze that hit the rooftop .
@ SHIVANI ? ! The feline female watched the spider like hero start his panicked spiral . She was confused to why he was so upset by this , didn't he want the place to go up in flames ? Course , she had gotten her answer when the male had started to speak once more , cutting her confusion in half with a swift blow . It didn't take her long to kind of feel bad for misunderstanding his words , but on the other hand she couldn't care less that a criminal's place of stay was now burning to the ground right behind them . Why should she care for another evils place turning to ash ? Why should she care if criminals got what they deserved ? After all , they had treated her with nothing but pain . Suffering . Agony . All humans were the same . Even the spider hero . He was no different , with or without the mask . However , she still stuck by him when he needed help . They weren't on the same side , but they weren't on different ones either . Her white hues followed him before narrowing slightly to the hidden aura beneath that mask . one Hand to her hips , she calmly shrugged . " Oops ? " Of course she chalked it up to an ' oops ' . What else was she to say ? ' my bad for destroying an evil doers lair ' ? No way . Swaying her tail , she started forward to the spider . " My apologize for the lack of understanding . " Though she wasn't sorry for destroying the building behind them , the flames heating the proximities of what resided beside it , she was sorry for the ' miscommunication '. Though , she can't always blame it on 'her lack of english ' for much longer .. Especially if it comes to the documents that had ' burned ' with the rest of the building behind them .
/ @-BLUEJXY / " WHY DID YOU DO THAT .ᐣ.ᐟ " ⠀⠀⠀ | spider-man ' s eye lenses widened to their limit as he stared at the burning building in front of them ,, horror creeping into his voice . sure ,, it was a criminal hideout ,, so at least no innocent people were inside ,, but still .ᐟ his entire body practically radiated panic — completely opposite to the other ,, who ,, from his perspective ,, looked way too casual about the whole thing . " there was evidence in there .ᐟ y ' know ,, the kind that could actually put those guys behind bars .ᐣ.ᐟ oh my god . are we gonna get arrested .ᐣ.ᐟ the cops already don ' t like us — " and just like that ,, he was off ,, spiraling into a full-blown meltdown about how they were going to get locked up ,, sent to prison ,, and have to pull off some kind of shawshank redemption-style escape . he was talking a mile a minute ,, pacing back and fourth as he spoke ,, only stopping when the older hero finally cut him off . he turned to look at her ,, the flames behind them casting an eerie glow on his mask as his eye lenses narrowed . did she actually think that ' s what he meant .ᐣ or did she just do it for the heck of it .ᐣ " that ' s not what i meant .ᐟ i meant like — let ' s go .ᐟ y ' know ,, let ' s blow this pop stand .ᐟ " https://youtu.be/Ii70_4SLvNw?si=sgWriLvHkZChzrol
OMNI-MAN : what the hell? get out of here, kid. i got this handled.
/ @vltrumitpwr / " got it ,, thanks . " spider-man gave a quick glance towards the other before swinging back down to keep the area clear . he scanned the surroundings ,, making sure no civilians were near the building . after a bit ,, he spotted a group of people being escorted out by omni-man . he quickly swung over to them . " is everyone okay .ᐣ "
i'll get them. keep doing what you're doing. good work. * OMNI-MAN NODDED and scanned the building for the best entrance. hurriedly, he hunts the remaining civilians down and escorts them out. *
/ @vltrumitpwr / ⠀⠀⠀ | while the other hero focused on the buildings ,, spider-man did his best to stay calm as he helped evacuate the remaining civilians . most had thankfully gotten out before things took a turn for the worse ,, leaving only a handful still trapped inside . he was just reaching the last few when the other hero arrived . giving a quick thumbs-up ,, he said ,, " good news ,, we ' ll probably be done before lunch . bad news … there are still a few people trapped inside . "
/ will get to responses tomorrow ♡︎
The thieves were left suspended in the air not defying gravity. The person who stopped them manipulating it with the odd energy around his palms. In a white and black costume, the glowing eyes on his helmet allowing him to express. "You could Web 'em to the ground." Videos were already viral of this guy trying to be a hero only to flew from damage control constantly.
ceebee or drop .ᐟ
(gonna leave a starter cause I can and for context my Spidey portrayal is one where has several years experience) Dimensional travel was odd to say the least. Spidey found himself in an alternate New York. "Ok just gotta figure out how to get him simple." He joked to himself as he began swinging over the streets. "Wonder if this new York has a spider man?" Spidey thought to himself as he swung with ease. Then he heard alarm bells as he spotted a store being robbed. "Well a hero's work is never done." As Spidey swings down to catch the robbers.
@nycwebz Spidey wasn't really paying attention to the other as he shot his own webs at the robbers. He fought with precision and grace. Knocking several robbers into the air as he punched them. Once all the robbers were dealt with he turned "oh do this universe does have a spiderman."
/ @-SpideySense- / ⠀⠀⠀ | when he got an alert from harry about a robbery a couple blocks away ,, peter didn ' t think much of it . he ' d handled plenty of those since his debut as a vigilante — usually small-time stuff ,, like drugstores or grocery stores . nothing too crazy . he was mid-swing toward the scene when he spotted someone else heading in the same direction . huh . weird . but he didn ' t have time to think about it — within a minute ,, he reached the store . his lenses widened . someone else — someone in a suit that looked a lot like his — was already fighting the robbers . okay ,, what the hell .ᐣ peter shot out a web ,, swinging toward the entrance before landing with a thud . " look ,, i ' m all for a good cosplay ,, but maybe leave the crime fighting to the professionals .ᐣ "
/ wtf there is no way i just got banned on roblox ☠️
@ SHIVANI . . . ? ! The red and black haired female narrowed her eyes grey - Green hues to the male , her ankles swaying over the ledge of the rooftop that the two perched on . His small shifts closer into her space of peace making her lowly growl , almost like a feline cat being territorial over its food . “ Can I help you ? “ She hissed , her fangs showing in threat . Her guard was up , but did anybody blame her ?
/ @-BLUEJXY / ⠀⠀⠀ | " you ' re welcome . " though his mask hid it ,, a small smile found its way onto his face at her saying thank you . well ,, that was better than nothing ,, he guessed . and when she complimented him ,, that smile only grew . most people he ran into had more or less judged the homemade suit ( not that he blamed them ) ,, so hearing something positive for once was a nice change . " thanks ! i made it myself ,, actually . " the young vigilante explained ,, absently fiddling with his fingerless gloves as he spoke . as they sat there ,, spider-man took the opportunity to actually get a better look at her ' suit ' — and her in general . the whole getup seemed … cat-themed .ᐣ or maybe fox-themed .ᐣ he wasn ' t sure . he glanced down at the city for a moment ,, quickly checking for any signs of trouble before turning his attention back to her . " i don ' t think i ' ve seen you around before .ᐣ "
@ SHIVANI . . . ?! The feline flicked her ears to the male as he sat beside her . No one usually sits beside her , not that they usually have the chance to in truth . However , her stature gave a slight relax to his motions backwards in response to her negative aura to his arrival . Shivani knew who he was , everyone knew who the ‘ spider - man ‘ was . But beyond that mask , that was a secret . And she understood it well . However , unlike his , Shivani wasn’t really wearing a ‘ suit ‘ … Not that she was going to correct him though , she’d sound crazy . “ Thanks … “ She grumbled slightly , looking away but kept her ears flicked , “ yours is cool .. I guess . “
/ @-BLUEJXY / ⠀⠀⠀ | he had finished his patrol for the night — nothing too wild ,, just a few muggings here and there — when he noticed the stranger. something about her caught peter ' s attention ,, and ,, well ,, he was curious . plus ,, she was sitting on the ledge of the roof ,, which was a little concerning to him . spider-man swung over ,, landing lightly on the rooftop . he took a seat on the ledge beside her ,, leaving a bit of space between them . though ,, when she reacted negatively to his presence ,, he instinctively scooted back a little more . " i — well ,, no . i just thought your suit looked cool .ᐣ " man ,, he had no idea how to talk to other vigilantes — or at least ,, he assumed she was one . this was one of his first times meeting another masked person .
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