
ceebee   &&   spec


cb  &&  spec
          or drop  .ᐟ
          also ,, this is 
          my first time 
          as peter ,, so 
          except my 
          portrayal not 
          to be the best 
          right away :')


            No rush take your time and rest! Praying your headache goes away!/


@-cagedsongbird   /   ill drop something either later tonight or tomorrow , i would drop something now but my head is hurting :')


            //i really wanna i’d probably do a modern portrayal of her 


.     @-glxtterguitars  #     `  `      ROXANNE  !  !      `  `
          WALL  •  E  had  been  wandering  around  the  pizzaplex  looking  for  some  trash  that  was  left  on  the  ground  that  other  bots  couldn  '  t  get  to  .      he  wasn  '  t  really  paying  attention  to  his  surroundings     ,  ,     so  when  someone  bumped  into  him  he  let  out  a  scream  and  fell  over      ,  ,       which  caused  the  song  `  put  on  your  sunday  clothes  `  to  start  playing  .     he  pushed  himself  up  and  looked  at  the  other      `  `     yes  -  -  am  -  -  okay  .      `  `     due  to  him  not  being  that  advanced     ,  ,      he  could  only  say  a  few  words  at  a  time  .