
Okay, I'll be blunt.
          	I seriously feel like dropping my Inazuma FanFic, RCCYHM, since I.. ummmmm.. feel really pressured.
          	I love all your messages and stuff, but the motivation lasts so short.
          	And I have studies and stuff, got accepted to a Scholarship that I dislike (I didn't agree to this, my mother just accepted the school's offer)
          	And InazumaEG has such a big role in my life, but I feel so bad that Nobody else is interested in it anymore.
          	So yeah, I have a lot of stories in mind, and I currently have a RinZu AU (will I finish this tho). 
          	I'll come back, once I feel in shape again. My confidence is seriously dropping.


Okay, I'll be blunt.
          I seriously feel like dropping my Inazuma FanFic, RCCYHM, since I.. ummmmm.. feel really pressured.
          I love all your messages and stuff, but the motivation lasts so short.
          And I have studies and stuff, got accepted to a Scholarship that I dislike (I didn't agree to this, my mother just accepted the school's offer)
          And InazumaEG has such a big role in my life, but I feel so bad that Nobody else is interested in it anymore.
          So yeah, I have a lot of stories in mind, and I currently have a RinZu AU (will I finish this tho). 
          I'll come back, once I feel in shape again. My confidence is seriously dropping.


Heya guys. 
          I've been thinking about dropping the story. Sorry. I may or may not. It really depends though.
          I'm working on a Tokyo Revengers AU.
          When I am done with Chapter 2, I'll post it and try to update that regularly. 
          The plot I used was supposed to be IEG, or a different anime, but I found it compatible with Tokyo Revengers. 
          So that's all. Still thinking about the dropping or not.
          P.S. The TR AU is RinZu and Taglish. I am trying to increase my Tagalog Vocabulary. So yah. 
          Take care and stay safe.


Heya guys. Just published chapter 9. I was supposed to do that like weeks ago, but internet was a problem. I was also supposed to publish it at 8 am but I had house chores and a school meeting to attend. 
          I kinda lost the motivation to continue (writers block) since I feel somehow devastated and anxious with my one work. I dunno. But after reading comments and other fanfics, I got the motivation. Just a little bit tho.
          Learned some writing Technics and tried experimenting with things. 
          I will also change my @ since I don't like it much. 
          Well, that's all. Thank you again for the support. 
          Take care and stay safe.


Yow guys. I'm here. I also am very surprised. I got this really rare (but short) time wherein I could use any apps for a few minutes.
          And I wrote this very cringy, lazy, so on.. stories that I want you guys to read (or not) IEG fanfics just to have a little escape before I finish RCCYHM. And guess what? My school year is over in two weeks. 
          I actually got these surprisingly high grades this year that I didn't put much effort into (yes, I'm lazy as frick) and I've gotten a 98 on my weakest subject. Filipino. I'm not raised in the Philippines but in Canada. My father gave me to my mum when I was 10 and I'm going to spend my 5th year here when September comes. And it really took me by surprise since I suck at tagalog.
          Well, that's all. Wish I have this rare time again soon. Love y'all. Stay safe and take care. 
          (Also if you wanta read my one-shots.. visit my profile) (warning, they are cringe since I put less effort in them) (tell me what you think too)


Hey!! Happy B-day ^^ Enjoy your day


Don't worry! Have a good day too, and take all time you need


@g0rri0n  thank you. And sorry for the late reply. Wifi has been removed and I'm busy..
            Have a good day


hi! happy belated or advance birthday, you mentioned ur birthday is april 18 right? so happy happy birthday to you! my one of my most favorite author! enjoy ur special day


@nylrehsenairram it's okay im a patient type of person so no rush, and gud luck on your school works.
            Take care always!


@Yumilianah34 aww.. thanks.. I'm sorry for the delay of my posting of my story and also my thanks to you. I'm truly sorry. If you could wait long enough I'll have my book made as soon as my school year finishes. Only 2 months to go.
            And take care always. I love you alot


Oh geez. I'm done with the re writes, and I cringe at the grammatical errors that I made. 
          So I didn't really change much, minor changes to be exact (how to spell properly?!?!).
          Amd since my B'day is coming and I sorta promised that I will post chapter nine and ten (if I'm finish by then) on that day.
          So yeh. I'm quite relieved that I finished adjusting things and all. My writing style has changed, I gues. And I just made things longer and cut the bluntness off. 
          Yep, that's all. 
          Have a great time.
          Stay safe and take care.
          P.S. I really want to get this book done since I've thought of a new KR story.
          P.P.S. I'm celebrating my 4th year of being in live with KR and hasn't read any Character x Readers yet. HAHAHAHAS.


@nylrehsenairram Thank you for waiting patiently. Now i can upload weekly ^^. You don't need to consider me as your idol but aww thanks.


@MakerTaker oh thank you. I'm quite surprised that I got greaten by one of my idols. And thanks for updating your story (I only got the chance to see them now, sadly). I've been waiting very patiently.
            Love you, stay safe and take care please


Oh yeah. I made a decision. I'll post Chappy 9 and 10 (if I get them done on time) on my fifteenth birthday... Meaning, April 18. 
          So grab your reading glasses (I need them.. really.. broke mine due to my anger issues) and hop on the chu chu train.. 
          But I can't make promises.. so I'd finish all my crappy schoolwork and put sweat into the next chapters...
          Take care y'all.


Heya.. to anyone reading RCCYHM.. I'm re writing parts of the story since I am gonna make it a better book, story, whatever.
          And yeh...before I make any more chapies I would re write and adjust most things.. some might be major.. and some minor. I kinda forgot the actual plot.. so I might make it different if I can't remember it sooner.. 
          So yah, hope you'll enjoy.. and have a great time. Stay safe and take care


@nylrehsenairram im so so exited for the next chapter, take your time, and have a great time too