
Hi guys. I'll be publishing a story tomorrow night or maybe the other day ng tanghali. I hope you'll support me. I'll count on you because first of all, yall my followers. If you'll like my story then care to share them to others? And if not, di hindi. Idgaf. Ktnxbye. I love you all. Sana abanagan niyo  


@DamnedAphrodite shet na-notice ako  im shookt megesh. Yieee kamsa poooo. I'll publish it later po. Supposed to be kanina kaso naudlot kasi po may emergency hahaha


@DamnedAphrodite yiee ill read that po and probably share that to others if i find your story qiute interesting:)


Hi guys. I'll be publishing a story tomorrow night or maybe the other day ng tanghali. I hope you'll support me. I'll count on you because first of all, yall my followers. If you'll like my story then care to share them to others? And if not, di hindi. Idgaf. Ktnxbye. I love you all. Sana abanagan niyo  


@DamnedAphrodite shet na-notice ako  im shookt megesh. Yieee kamsa poooo. I'll publish it later po. Supposed to be kanina kaso naudlot kasi po may emergency hahaha


@DamnedAphrodite yiee ill read that po and probably share that to others if i find your story qiute interesting:)