This is really random but I just wanted to say you're my favourite author on wattpad. Your so talented and I love your fics so much especially the little mood boards. Just wanted to say that thanks for writing incredible stories for us and keep it up.
You're amazing Xx
Heyyy girl I was just wondering where your one shots went??? The first one was soooooo good!!! That’s all but your writing is impeccable and I’ve pretty much read all of your fics. Much love
sorry for the late reply but thank you so much! <3
I didn't like a few things about it, but it will be republished as soon as possible with more chapters
Hey, just checking in on you. How are you doing? I haven't been on Wattpad for a while, but I just noticed that you haven't updated since April, and I just wanted to make sure you are ok.
hi! thank you for checking in <3 I still plan to finish all my ongoing fics and probably even start new ones. life’s just a little stressful rn, hope I can get back in my routine soon
I'm not saying that they should give you a frickin award for all of your stories but—
I LOVE YOUR FICS. And the tension? The main characters? *chef kiss*
Please never stop doing this, you're amazing and very talented! We need more writers like you <333