Gragon ball z Goku can be an evil person he can kill or save people he is nice one time then mean the next. But gragon ball z is my favorite anime its really cool to watch. Him and vegeta are really awesome but vegeta can be really mean sometimes and when goku gets mad he just goes rage on everyone. Witch you will not like . Either vegeta can go super sayain blue witch took a long time to master goku is a god he can beat any one except beerus hes a god and an destroyer when goku turners into mui masterd ultra instinct he gets mad and he yells alot he is a god but not quite stronger than beerus because beerus was born before goku vegeta is rude he does care about his child and his wife. Goku loves his wife and his two kids but goku is a caring guy he loves to eat alot he can starve when he is fighting because it makes him hungry and goku did not like when they pulled his saiyan tail off