
You don't even understand how much that means to me! I love you guys! I know I'm not the best, or most consistent but you guys remind me and keep me guided in the right 'direction' ..heheheh.. that said, THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! @CurlyyStyles @smilecuzurbeautiful


Hey everyone! Well sorry my chapters are always so short. I know I'm not very good with updating but I try my best! Maybe if I could get more votes or fans I would write more? I don't know, just a thought. I don't want to ask for too much, but thanks for following me and supporting me! Love you all <3 nzhll_love


Your story is really good, I love it so far. Just remember to read over it for those tiny errors, and I say this not only to you but for myself too. Sometimes we miss things. Inbox me if you are looking for tips/techniques :)