I know, it's been a while. I'm trying something new by writing some short stories. I think I've settled on Tuesday as my writing day. It's the only dau were I'm not working and it's a day to myself. Also I want to set a goal by October to edit Familiar.
Hi Everyone,
I do apologize for the long absence. I've just earned my second Bachelor's, which I'm proud of. I've also been dealing with some health problems of late, took a lot out of me. As of now, I'm putting my stories on draft. My plan is to start editing by next week on Wednesday.
Hi everyone,
I want to apologize for the long delay. I've been pretty busy these past couple of weeks with school and work that I didn't have enough time to edit. I'm going to change the date to March 1 so I have enough time to get my business in order.
Hello everyone,
I know it's been awhile but now I have a schedule in mind. I'm going to be editing Familiar on Tuesdays, write out ideas on Wednesdays, and a new chapter for Vámpír on Thursdays.