
it's been a hot minute since i posted literally anything on here!! just popping in to say im still alive, im still writing and i miss everyone so much <33


guys im going to see back to the future : the musical again LMAO <3 ill be thinking of yall :)) 


@o1ivetree ben joyce is my fave marty omfg, he was incredible! he legit waved at me and i was just sobbing my eyes out. and amber who plays lorraine waved at me because i was crying. they're my fave cast, i adore them sm <3


50 ways just hit 100k, wtf?!? im not really active on here anymore because of college and work but i wanna thank you every single person who read that silly little book. it means the absolute world to me, it truly does <33 
          because im not active much my insta is 1ivgracex if anyone wants to chat or see what im up to LMAO
          but seriously i adore each and every one of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart <3


@KiityKittyKatKat THANK YOU SO MUCH <33


@o1ivetree am so proud of you! you deserve each & every read you get :D <333