
So... I have a wip draft for obsessed.. the reason I haven't done it yet was because i had to rewrite a few times and ended up not liking how it turned out.
          	I ended up forcing a lore drop behind Akira too early into the series, so I'll probably rewrite the chapter before it and then do the new chapter.
          	Once I get to a stopping point, I'm definitely rewriting some of these chapters, they are very ehhhh.
          	I also plan to change some things about luck breathing, as the stuff like the dice roll is pretty game-like so people could understand, however i realized not only do I not want that, but I also don't think it fits a series like demon slayer.
          	After editing the latest chapter of baby demon, I gotten enough motivation to work on my own series.
          	Thanks for 3k views btw..
          	thanks bai.


So... I have a wip draft for obsessed.. the reason I haven't done it yet was because i had to rewrite a few times and ended up not liking how it turned out.
          I ended up forcing a lore drop behind Akira too early into the series, so I'll probably rewrite the chapter before it and then do the new chapter.
          Once I get to a stopping point, I'm definitely rewriting some of these chapters, they are very ehhhh.
          I also plan to change some things about luck breathing, as the stuff like the dice roll is pretty game-like so people could understand, however i realized not only do I not want that, but I also don't think it fits a series like demon slayer.
          After editing the latest chapter of baby demon, I gotten enough motivation to work on my own series.
          Thanks for 3k views btw..
          thanks bai.


i got another idea for a fic
          something along the lines of a female y/n sound tsugoku... what do you think?
          obsessed was something i quickly made up and never actually put much effort in, but seeing how much people like it makes me wanna work with it more.
          Ill still work on it, but this sound tsugoku idea hasn't really been done b4 so i might give it a shot or something.


@obeyblocky, looking forward to it! :D


finished editing the next chapter for baby demon, make sure you check it out on soul's page (not like you could since most of my new followers come from baby demon.)
          make sure you DO recheck the new chapters, as me and soul scrapped the akira parts of it.
          k bye, im still working on the next chapter but im also playing a roblox demon slayer game


just for people to know who like obsessed, its not my priority, its a thing I'm doing out of boredom. second, word count for chapters will always be above 1000+ words. Unless a chapter has to be shorter in some way, then it will be said with that reason. Otherwise, don't expect it to be crazy fast with uploads.