
Alright you guys!!! Several of you have made comments on Collision about my mistake of using quarters instead of halves, and I heard you loud and clear! I think I’ve corrected it, but if you see any more mistakes let me know! 


Hi! Just here to say that you story Collision is so good. I stayed up all night reading it, I couldn’t get enough. I love everything about the book from the authenticity of situations to the plot progression. The story wasn’t choppy or unrealistic. Overall, I just wanted to say how much I loved it and how satisfied I am! 


Collision is finished! The story is posted publicly now, and I am so excited for feedback!! I hope you all enjoy Alecia's story, and I promise next time I post a story I will update more regularly! Hmu with any comments, questions, or concerns!


I have a lot of ideas for the second draft of Collision, which I'm going to start right after I finish this first draft. It involves taking out some characters, having Alecia think she's straight until she meets Penelope, among other things. Flashbacks have been nixed.


@OliviaSummers8  :) I hope for your update soon :) But take your time. I know it'll be more awesome :D