
Dear oblivious_society,
                  I didn't think it would come to this but yes, as hard as it may be to believe, I am indeed writing you another letter. It has come to my sudden realization that you have deleted all of your stories. Honestly, I am dumbfounded. Your stories are not just stories, they are art. I know you probably won't believe that because you are literally the most humble person I know but trust me, it's true. 
                   I know what you're probably thinking right now: Is there a point to this horrendous letter? Yes, there is. I think I speak on behalf of all your readers when I say, you NEED to re download them and update. You don't need to update right away, just take baby steps. I do in fact though, think it is essential that you upload them again. I think by taking them down you are not sending the right message to all your readers and honestly as your friend, I can not allow that to happen. I am here for you on this journey through writing-self-love.
                             ~a person who wants your stories


Dear oblivious_society, 
                  I'm sure you're a very busy woman, but sadly I don't care. You started a story and now you don't have the audacity to finish it????(lmao me tho) How could you just leave me on a cliffhanger like that??? This is one of numerous stories that I have fallen in love with but never have gotten the chance to finish because of your petty ways. 
                  I find the lack of credit you account your writing abilities for extremely rude. Especially since I, among many other people, thoroughly enjoy reading your stories. So you're basically telling us all our taste in literature sucks. Mcscuse me but I beg to differ. 
                 Anyways, I'm going to end this here. I will be expecting an update soon. 
                           ~Not your frand until you update 


Bish do I have to write you another letter on why you should re publish your stories and update them 