Living like larry

So I'll try to sound as unique as possible

My name is Charlie and I despise Nutella....oops? #sorrynotsorry

Now before you start hating me I pretty much love every other food in existence except cheese...unless it's on pizza or cheetos or something cx

Books are pretty much my drug and...yeah

I'm am an awkward effing unicorn

Paul Zimmer should like marry me XD

My birthday is on September 11th so that's always fun

I almost choked to death on a rolo the other day

  • InscritAugust 1, 2014

Dernier message
obliviousnarwhal obliviousnarwhal Nov 13, 2014 01:04AM
Hello my fellow interwebers Wait, did that sound cool? I'll pretend it did.Anyway, I thought up this really cool story line, or at least I think it's cool, and I was wondering if any of you would...
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Histoire par obliviousnarwhal
Group A par obliviousnarwhal
Group A
About 600 years ago, legend says there was a certain group of people. Half these people were incredibly sick...
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