
I'm so sorry, I got really caught up in the finishing details of my room and then revising for my mocks and then, acually doing my mocks, the revising for real GCSE's, then doing my real GCSE's. But, I am here to say A Drunken Mess is FINALLY COMPLETED. Lowkey sad because I loved writing this but all good things have got to come to an end eventually. I'm sorry for making you wait so long for it but hey, better late than never! I hope you enjoy the last chapter and are happy with the ending! Thanks for reading it, I hope you enjoyed it!! <333 Love you guys, Signing off... <3


I'm so sorry, I got really caught up in the finishing details of my room and then revising for my mocks and then, acually doing my mocks, the revising for real GCSE's, then doing my real GCSE's. But, I am here to say A Drunken Mess is FINALLY COMPLETED. Lowkey sad because I loved writing this but all good things have got to come to an end eventually. I'm sorry for making you wait so long for it but hey, better late than never! I hope you enjoy the last chapter and are happy with the ending! Thanks for reading it, I hope you enjoyed it!! <333 Love you guys, Signing off... <3


Been a while, sorryyyy!! Room is re-decorated which is great so I can finally start writing again!!! 
          Chapter 20 is up, for some reason I didnt announce that, whoops!
          I have just uploaded Chapter 21 which has been sat in my word document for weeks waiting to be proof read, which it now is, and has now been uploaded!! Expect more frequent uploads!!!


Hey, Chapter 20 will not be up for a week or two, because I am in the process of re-decorating my room, so my computer is not plugged in, I have finished it, although I do have to proof read, but I can’t publish it until my computer is back up! Sorry. I will continue writing when I can but, not very much will get done because I am busy painting, my apologies!


Heyy!! Chapter 16 is officially up. I have a confession I may have gone over my usual word count of 1000 words, so apologies for the long chapter.
          Chapter 17 will be up soon (Hopefully; I have got to go see family before Christmas but I reckon I can do it!) Once Chapter 17 is up I will have caught up, so once I get caught up I  will have my usual upload times, which will be once a week!
          Enjoy and thanks for reading <33


Okay, so quick update, I am not able to get Chapt 16 up today. Although i have half finished it and proof read the first half, I will finish and proof read the rest tomorrow.
          Good news though, it should be done pretty quickly so fingers crossed it will be up tomorrow!!


Yo,  I couldn't get Chapter 15 up on time due to the internet being down, then I had a ton of homework, which is now complete. So, I had time to complete it tonight and proof read it, meaning Chapter 15 is now up. 
          I'm not going to promise because I get distracted too easily, but I'm going to attempt to write and proof read Chapter 16 tomorrow, and then publish it, then for Saturday/Sunday work on Chapter 16, and if I'm right I should be caught up! If I'm in the mood I will start writing Chapter 17 which you never know, the mood may strike (Get my pun aha) Anywho, enjoy Chapter 15! <33