so i've finally come to a decision as to what to do with this account, and after considering my constant hiatuses, i've decided to just abandon it. i'm quite fine and happy with spending time on my other account, @keitsune, and logging on here has gone lower and lower on my list of priorities.
i'm really sorry to everyone who's been waiting on their covers from my shop - i'm sure you can find other designers to make you the brilliant graphics you need! i'm sorry to all my old friends here, too, for being out of touch recently (god, do i even have friends anymore?) and, well... thanks for the amazing three years i've spent here, on this account.
you'd think i was going off wattpad for good with the sentimental crap i'm pulling on y'all here, but i'm really not, lol. i'll still be on my other account, just wanted to get this out here because the two accounts have pretty different follower bases.
so, yep. that's the end of this account. thanks for everything, and i'm sorry, i guess. i think i'll deactivate by the next week or something; i've already taken down my books, so yeah.
hope you have a nice day!