
I had 93 notifs


So me and a couple friends have a Minecraft server that we play on together but two of them hate each other and mediating the arguments, especially as the server owner, is so exhausting.
          And today the argument was actually over nothing, two of them were just trying to make another mad and they don't see how they're being jerks!
          Honestly the one who started it, I haven't talked to him besides arguments pretty much and I feel like it's getting unhealthy and I'm starting to resent him but I don't know how to end a friendship especially when sometimes we have good talks and then huge arguments later


I feel like wherever I'm in a situation where I'm new and without my friends I'm in groups where everyone else is already friends and I feel like I'm just butting in and it even happens online like here and stuff and I am really just wishing to find some internet friends


I feel like everyone's been saying they're in school but I'm in Ontario, Canada and school starts in September, and it just got pushed a week so I don't start until the 15th.... So I guess sucks for y'all I still get to do nothing all day


The other night I was up until 4am cause my dad was playing video games in the basement where I'm currently sleeping so that was fun


oof I've still got til the 7th of September and I honestly have no idea how I'm gonna wake up at 7am :(


yes it does suck  i was waking up at 2 pm and now i have to wake up at 7 am


I'm pretty sure I have some form of adhd but I'm too scared to talk to my parents about trying to get diagnosed but I really want to get a therapist because I'm sure I have multiple mental illnesses/disorders but I'm too anxious so Wattpad announcements that three people will see is my therapy at the moment
          Anyways how are you?


I can't tell if I'm demisexual, graysexual, or aegosexual and I really wish I could just have a queerplatonic relationship and have someone help me but I can't exactly do that


Sorry I didn't reply earlier I was busy all day


@itzSue Graysexual is in between so you only feel sexual attraction sometimes, and aegosexual is like a more specific version of asexual where you I guess understand why people like it but you don't want it for yourself (as far as I know, I'm new to the term)


What is gray sexual and aego sexual ?