Hi! I'm kinda new on posting on Wattpad! Would you like to try one of my books? I saw that you have read a Reylo medieval au, and I have two posted on my account
hii armyy! if u don't mind can u check out my jimin fanfic: wreck me! i'm like a new writer so it would mean a lot to me if i could get some feedback from a reader haha! tysm and srry for being annoying <3
So. You guys have 3 choices.
1: I update one book 2.
2: I update 2 existing books.
3: I update 2 books in the making.
Just comment 1, 2, or 3, and I'll do the one that gets the most.
Have a wonderful day/night!!
So, what book would you guys like me to update? I need something to do, and the books here that are good (and that I haven't read) are little to none. So if you would please answer, that would be amazing!!
I really REALLY need to go to bed, but this is the first night that I've had my phone (parents don't know about it, shhhhh!) And I am up a 12 freaking 30, and I am not tired at all!! Also, I'm really freaking hot, but I'm no lazy to get outta bed and turn the fan on, or move the blankets. Ya know, this should he a daily thing. Me ranting to you guys, at 12:31 in the morning.