@LetsBeOutcasts Sorry I saw this like an hour after you sent it but..... Oh well! Thank you! Who doesn't like getting compliments from random strangers? I love your user name too because well it sounds cool, I love your profile pic too! Grell is the ultimate. And yes I love RPing I don't know if I'm any good but it's fun. ^-^
@Jenniflower1234 I have serveral ideas its just bringing them all together. Writing the story just doesn't make me happy anymore either. I have been working on serveral other projects and im just fine with them I don't know whats wrong with me _-_ If you'd like to hear what I had planned though i'd love to message you privately and talk. do you have a kik?
@Alois_bluebellTrancy maybe, we could come up with an idea together! I usually talk with my friends about what I should do about my chapters, and they turn out pretty good.