The sequel to The Tour, The Show is officially up and being updated hopefully weekly! I am so excited to write this story and I have about 16,000 words of planning specific scenes done, hope to see you there, or read The Tour if you haven't :)
The sequel to The Tour, The Show is officially up and being updated hopefully weekly! I am so excited to write this story and I have about 16,000 words of planning specific scenes done, hope to see you there, or read The Tour if you haven't :)
Thank you so much this means the absolute world!! I think this is the first time I’ve seen a ship name and I am here for it haha. Hopefully I’ll see you in late may ;)
@simplybooka021 I have about ten chapters drafted, but they’re specific scenes and not in chronological order, so I haven’t formally worked out the first chapter specifically. My goal is to get the first few chapters finished within a couple months, and then start to update the book regularly and continue to write as I go. I just want a solid base of chapters so I don’t start the book and then leave it hanging for two months :)
@dailymalfoysimp hey!! I did realize that ironically after I made that comment in that other book I did stop reading that story… but happy to meet you! Hopefully we can get some baseball around here soon lol