
Hi! As usual (sigh) I got into a very complex project, which just ended. Sorry for the delay to all of those who were expecting a review, I'll try to catch up. 
          	Also, big new: I've opened the paid program to English speakers as well!
          	Check out the new chapter for more info :)


Hi! As usual (sigh) I got into a very complex project, which just ended. Sorry for the delay to all of those who were expecting a review, I'll try to catch up. 
          Also, big new: I've opened the paid program to English speakers as well!
          Check out the new chapter for more info :)


          I'm officially a Wattpad ambassador!
          Since I will be spending more time on Wattpad, I'll try to catch up with the reviews in English and Italian. 
          Considering that the shops have been closed for six months, instead of following my usual booking order, I'll post a list of the requests by still active users here. 
          If you're still interested in the review, answer me here and I'll put you first :)
          - Frozen Candle, @Zelenesenki
          - The Definition of Dynasia @Nightingale_Nebula
          - The Assassin's scars @Mariya_Evans
          - Still Waters @Ananya_iyer
          - Lost in Blue @krisha_Grim
          - The End: The Final Planet @MrMagus
          - Back With Vengeance @Fire_and_Ice_1813
          - He is Beautiful @Honeyrose2020
          Per i seguaci italiani: sono passati sei mesi dalla mia ultima recensione, ma dovrei riprendere adesso :)


@ ochun_2012  i was also wondering if you could tell me why you couldnt accept my story, did i not do everything you ask for or something?


@ ochun_2012  if in the future you can review it ill be more than thankfull


@ ochun_2012  damm, thats sad to hear
            Thankyou anyways 


hi. How are you? 
          I wonder if criticism  is still available or not 
          I have not published my novel yet after writing it. I just want to show you the synopsis and plot values ​​for clarity, consistency, and power 


@AMayHee_40 Hi, I'm trying to come back but I'm a bit overwhelmed by work. 
            Right now I'm focusing on the Italian shop, after that I will have to sort through all of the English reviews... It might take a while


this message may be offensive
Hello! I hope someone is still here, it's been a while.
          If that's so, and you're reading this, Thanks! 
          Apologies in advance for my English, I haven't had many occasions to practice in the last few months. 
          Short recap, since I'm using this as my public diary anyway: 
          I've finished my internship at the film production company, and I'm back to life. Quite literally. Holy shit, was that traumatizing. 
          I knew the television industry wasn't exactly healthy, particularly in Europe, where things like me too and cultural diversity are still quite behind.
          But I had no idea. "Gay" wasn't a word in their dictionary. Neither was "Black". The F and N words were, definitely. Not to mention sexual harassment. Being female, bisexual, and in a relationship with a non-white person and at the very end of the power dynamic, it felt like that one particular scene for Inglorious Bastard, every lunch break. 
          Plus, there was the plotting, the constant, constant plotting. Trash talking, gossiping, power play, general fakeness, and lack of respect. 
          Basically, I got to experience office toxic mixed with entertainment's toxic. 
          The good news is, I found out the company I was at is actually pretty famous for this shit. So they might not be all like that. 
          The second good news is, that while I look for my next internship, I finally have the time and mental health to come back. For real, I hope :)
          First things first: I will unpublish my stories. I just don't feel like that's my path anymore. 
          New form of payment will be... no payment! 
          (...unless you have Paypal...)
          But I retain the choice of whether or not to review your book. 
          Thank you, if you've read this far!
          - one last thing: I know I have A LOT of reviews bound, but I'll start with the update on the story of @HappyCoati, as she's asked me in private. 
          Plus, hers is one of my favorite stories ;)


@HappyCoati Aww, thanks! I've already started my revenge... plotting IS fun after all. 
            I'll get to your book right away, honestly, I had been looking forward!


@ochun_2012 Holy moly, that internship sounds like a nightmare. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but hopefully you find a better environment to continue your career in! and become big enough that you can ruin those of your enemies <3
            Happy to see you back and I hope you enjoy my story!!