
Gracias por seguirme!❤️❤️


Hi! Thanks for the follow!

ociew777're a very insightful person. You view the world through realism but tempered with compassion. That's the fine line, toady, we as people often miss. We get so caught up in troubles. We forget what's really important and want to escape it all, like into fantasy, which isn't bad, but can be if we lose touch with reality. We could just as easily become so real, we lose touch with our humanity. Spoke looks good on the big screen. But, in real life, his emotionless persona doesn't serve much of a practical purpose. Even Vulcans experienced emotions of some type, such as fascination, intrigue, curiosity; all these are subconscious reactions to underlying emotion. Emotions we are often times unaware. So, my advice is simple. Embrace your core values. They not only define who we are, but safeguard our sanity as well.
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I also live by that rule, sometimes. XDXD
            But yeah, what you said is definitely true. All of it. :):)
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@invincible_vien ....well i figure...share the love...people will give some back. isn't that the golden rule, well, at least that's why my step father used to say all the time. made sense then. always try living by that rule. It's served me so well in making friends. I may not have been the most popular kid in school. I had one thing few popular kids ever had. True friends. I'm rather be a poor man with one friend than a rich man with million and never sure who loved me or my money, not that i have much to start with.  LOL!
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Thank You☺


@ManeReader problem. glad to meet new people online.
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Heyy. Thanks for the follow :)


@Roxann_ddreamer me too. I've made a few actually. Hope u can be one too :)
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@Roxann_ddreamer problem...I'm new, but to make many friends here. Like the interface better than Facebook or Twitter.
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