
 After three months, I finally posted chapter seventeen of “Arranged Marriage!” My apologies for the long wait, it will not happen again. xx


@rydelsmendes oh sweetheart, that story is finished. Didn’t you see I updated the epilogue? It’s under my completions. Sorry love...


Hey love!! According to my Wattpad you updated ' Ross Lynch imagines'  but I can't read the new chapter 'cherry pop' ? Just wanted to known if you really updated or if by tablet is losing its mind? BTW love your writing!!


Thanks love! Got to read the chapter. Loved it!!!!


Thank you so much! I wonder why. Hmm, maybe I will try re-updating. Thanks again! 


 I just posted an update on the Ross Lynch Imagine book of mine! I hope you enjoyed it. I will be posting the prologue of my new story called, “Evanescence Illusions.” It’s a Harry Styles fanfiction, sorry, no R5 this time. :)❤️


I updated the Epilogue of my Rydel Lynch fanfiction, “Secret Ego.” I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it! It is not only for your pleasure of reading, but it has a significant message behind it that I hope all of you have picked up on. :) Have a beautiful day/night! Xoxo ❤️


hi lovelies,
          I just updated part two of SLN for my imagine series: Ross Lynch Imagines! You should go check it out! I also updated another chapter, called “Embarrassments” double update, yay!  how was everyone’s holiday and New Years?