Hey love!! According to my Wattpad you updated ' Ross Lynch imagines' but I can't read the new chapter 'cherry pop' ? Just wanted to known if you really updated or if by tablet is losing its mind? BTW love your writing!!
I just posted an update on the Ross Lynch Imagine book of mine! I hope you enjoyed it. I will be posting the prologue of my new story called, “Evanescence Illusions.” It’s a Harry Styles fanfiction, sorry, no R5 this time. :)❤️
I updated the Epilogue of my Rydel Lynch fanfiction, “Secret Ego.” I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it! It is not only for your pleasure of reading, but it has a significant message behind it that I hope all of you have picked up on. :) Have a beautiful day/night! Xoxo ❤️
UPDATED “SECRET EGO” GO CHECK IT OUT! ❤️ It’s the last chapter, but stick around because there will be an epilogue I think you all will enjoy! Thanks so much! :)
hi lovelies,
I just updated part two of SLN for my imagine series: Ross Lynch Imagines! You should go check it out! I also updated another chapter, called “Embarrassments” double update, yay! how was everyone’s holiday and New Years?