
or another theory is that natsume is the author. he was there for EVERYTHING but just silently watched in disguise as a cat. its very strange how they didnt elaborate a ton on why he would just spy. he could also be the author because thats why oda couldn't remember his face. in the shadow that oda remembered the man had a hat and a cane JUST LIKE NATSUME. this one seems more realistic though.


or another theory is that natsume is the author. he was there for EVERYTHING but just silently watched in disguise as a cat. its very strange how they didnt elaborate a ton on why he would just spy. he could also be the author because thats why oda couldn't remember his face. in the shadow that oda remembered the man had a hat and a cane JUST LIKE NATSUME. this one seems more realistic though.


here's a theory i cant get out of my head:
          what if the person that had the page in the first place was oda. think, he never finished writing the book and thats why there's still a page left. i think he intentionally left that page so dazai would put an end to everything. if this is true, i hope dazai writes oda back in and they can ride off into the sunset together with kunikida.