Today is a horrible day for all free people's everywhere in the world. Especially in the United States.
Twenty-two years ago today, on September the Eleventh, 2001, terrorist forces of ISIS and the Talaban bombed and destroyed the world trade center, completely taking America, her people, and the world off guard and remaining shocked at such a terrible event and attack from those who wish to prevent Democracy and Equality from expanding.
Let us all remember the (just over) Three thousand innocents who lost their lives in one of the greatest tragedies in American history, and remember that not only the American people, but the world itself continues to march together to contain hatred and international terrorism so all in our world may be free from Tyranny.
God bless the souls of the fallen in that terrible day, along with their families, their friends, and those who continue to fight for Liberty and Justice for all. They are the real heroes.
God bless you all, have a wonderful day. Despite the circumstances... :)