OK, lemme just *breathes in sharply*
oh boi oh boi oh boi. BOIIIIIIIII
So apparently we have our modules yeah?
yes we have modules, THIRTEEN OF THEM!
...Or was it 12? Anyways, each module has like 13- THIRTEEN MADAFAKIN PAGES!! THIRTEEEEENNNNNNNNN *flips table*
Well over that cuz am dun wid those.
We have our Mastery test tomorrow.....so like- lemme just- *Screams*
Anyways, it's Inktober!! (just realized this after staring at the wall for a whole 5 minute)
And it'a not like I will have ENOUGH time to DRAW-- oh how I wish I DO.
Damn guys, wish me luck for tomorrow...
....*exhales* *mutters* Oh I hate life...