
Am I alive? Maybe—


Izuku-! Wait a minute,, something's not right! Who are you and what have you done to Izuku?!


            You do! Anyways, what's up? I saw you follow me, that was a good choice >:))


            That's so slay!!! In that case, I'm Katsuki Gougou, and I'm a douchebag :3


          Izuku was officially determined to find her friend, so she packed up some supplies and went out in search for Kacchan in the woods. While she was walking she never realized how beautiful the woods were- she never had time to actually come to the woods because of personal reasons. She would soon stumble upon a clearing of green grass and some flowers, the area was surrounded by large trees. She walked into the middle of the Clearing and said to herself, “Kacchan would’ve enjoyed this.. he always loved the woods and the stories within them..” this made Izuku a smile weakly as she thought to herself.