
this message may be offensive
━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax felt a little bad for the bloke, some men cracked under the pressure of the war and it seemed that will was one of those blokes. “obviously it does, just take mine, i’ve needed to quit anyways,” he persisted, it was rare when dax felt like he should do something nice, but will looked like absolute shit and he wanted to help him, even if he didn’t like it. 


━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          just like the war had changed will, it had changed dax, he wasn’t in the mood to fight over nonsense, a couple cigarettes wasn’t worth his time, it was pointless, he would only fight if it really mattered, this didn’t matter one bit to him. the war had worn him down, he was exhausted, he didn’t want to deal with anyone at all, especially not will, so that’s why he stopped fighting, neither of them needed to carry the fighting, it was idiotic. “well what are you going to do about yours then?” he sat back down on his bunk, like he was before the fighting, and picked up his poetry book, continuing to read it. 


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━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax thought the fight was simply ridiculous, he wondered if he should drop out of it, but then his thoughts were interrupted by a stinging feelings. will had gotten the chance to punch him right on the cheek. he really wanted to hit, kick, do whatever he could to get will back, but he was just done with the fight in general, if that made him seem like a coward then so be it, he wasn’t going to fight over a stupid pack of cigarettes. “cassidy, i didn’t fucking steal your cigarettes, if you want mine then take them because i am not going to participate in a dumb fight because your little ego has gotten the best of you.” 


━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax stood there waiting for will’s reaction, he didn’t want to start anything, but will was like a fly in his ear that he just needed to get rid of. he saw his hands raise then drop, then the step forward, he knew what was to come, so he blocked the punch as well as he was able to. he wasn’t going to let will get satisfaction from punching him, so as soon as he could, he hit him in his stomach, wanting to disorientate him and cause some pain. he had never lost of fight and he wasn’t going to lose to will of all people. 


━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax hated people that accused him of stuff, sure he didn’t  like will to begin with but this was just adding fuel to his fire. he would never steal, he was morally alright, besides his tendencies to pick fights with people. “will, sit down before i punch you, i’m not in the mood for your little attitude, i’ve just been sitting here, reading my poetry, ask the other blokes.” he was always ready to fight and with will accusing him of stealing his cigs and being a liar, he wasn’t afraid to punch him. 


this message may be offensive
━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax didn’t necessarily ignore the people around him, he didn’t like them and they didn’t like him so they just didn’t talk to them. he never thought he was better than them, it’s just personality crash and people don’t get along, or in his case, he never got along with anyone. he looked up from his book of poetry that he was reading as will stormed into their bunking area. he followed his every moment, seeing as he tried to find his cigarettes again. “hey! i may be an asshole, but i a’int no thief,” he said sternly, standing up from his bunk. “i’ve got plenty to spare because i keep track of them, i try not to smoke too many so i always have extra, maybe you should learn from me, cassidy.” will was obviously angry and dax stood there getting angrier too, how would will just stand there and accuse him of stealing cigarettes without any proof, it was ridiculous. 


she didn’t know what she’d been doing when she’d appeared toward the back of the base,       in the direction of the woods.        when she’d heard it,       a body slamming into a wall forcefully,       the pummeling if a fist to a face,       the grunts of pain—       she’d swiveled around the corner to see it.         two men,       who though she didn’t know,       was more familiar with one than the other.          she stood,      a bit dumbfounded. 


she was unwilling to allow him to return to pummeling the other man to a pulp.       she crossed her arms,      standing in front of the second man who laid on the ground.         she gave him a look,      not seeming particularly convinced by his response,        “don’t—       do busy yourself with something else,       benoit,      isn’t it?” 


━━ ( @spyings ) 
            dax didn’t notice the young lady walk up beside him, so he was surprised when he felt someone push him away from the man laying on the floor. “hey!” he exclaimed, he wanted to win that fight, he just wanted to beat the bloke up, but because of eleanor, he wasn’t able to finish. “i was a little busy, miss.” 


he was going to murder him if she didn’t interfere,         or—         at least,       it’d appeared that way from her vantage point.         “alright,       alright!”      she grabbed the first by the shoulders,      shoving him off of the second,        her face was flushed,         “do you two not have anything better to do than beat each other?     well…      I suppose one was doing most of it,”      she commented,      quietly. 


The plane hangar on the base was filled to the brim with bustling people. Some were getting training while others were getting prepared for a mission. André, on the other hand, had taken up to fixing the planes of anyone who needed his help. At the moment, he was hunched over the engine of the plane, attempting to rebuild a plane that needed to be completely remade. His attention was fully invested in it, not really paying to the people talking around him, seeing as it was not his native language.


The blonde slowly began to lean over to begin working on the pistons, making sure to not mess it up. As it is, he already forgot to do the one thing that was wrong with it. Although, he didn't stop listening to the other, quite happy that he could converse with him unlike most of the other rude Brits. "Ce serait ça. C'était la seule chose à finir," His eyes flit up at him as he worked.


━━  ( @flyingfrench ) 
            dax smiled at the frenchman, he had taken a sort of liking to the bloke within their short interaction, so he was happy to help. “c’est toujours quelque chose que les gens oublient,” he said smoothly, leaning away from the engine. “de rien, est-ce le seul problème avec l'avion, ou faut-il plus de réparation?” 


A small frustrated noise seemed to escape him as he brought his hand up to his forehead, smearing some oil onto his fair skin. He was completely out of it wasn't he? Maybe then he would have finished ages ago. "Non, j'aurais du vérifier ça.." he shook his head and turned to him, "Merci."


━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          “c'est pourquoi vous les gars sont des américains stupides,” he said with a bit of bitterness in his tone, of course america was taking the longest to join the war while other allies were making an effort to help out, he never trusted them and probably wouldn’t ever trust them. “too many people,” dax responded cooly. “if you couldn’t tell, i’m not much of a people person, i’m what you would called a connard.” he doesn’t like people to begin with but then there’s also the fact that people don’t like him too because of how he acts. 


━━ ( @ofbravery ) 
          dax just shrug off the annoyed look that he other bloke sent him, he didn’t care what people thought about his attitude, he was still going to act that way no matter what. “or better yet the american military,” he pitched in, he was a nosey fellow. “you know you can head out with the other blokes, you don’t have to stay here with me even though i know i’m irresistible.” he didn’t know why will stayed in the tent with him, they obviously weren’t going to get alone that well, so why stay with someone you don’t like.