
Just did some minor re-writes and major editing for Chapter Seven of Hiraeth. I admit I had been drinking when I finished writing it and posted it hahaha so it should read easier now. Enjoy and have an awesome day/night wherever you are xx


          And wanted to say that the cover of Hiraeth is fantastic. I know they say “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but seriously it’s the first impression for a reader that attracts our attention to reading the synopsis (I believe it is really important as let’s face it, humans are aesthetically drawn to things whether it’s places, clothing, objects,etc). 
          So congratulations on a great cover - definitely caught my eye that made me stop and read your synopsis!


          Fellow Aussie here, enjoying stumbling on this App. I came across your book Hiraeth. The synopsis is amazingly interesting and would love to ‘sink my teeth’ into it and binge read it but unfortunately I see it’s still incomplete. From your previous comments in past years it seems you’ve had personal trials to overcome. I hope all is settling down for you and you find time to return to your writing. Just from the synopsis I was so eager to read your story which is a writer skill all on it’s own. But the storyline also suggests a creative talent for writing and I really hope you are able to pursue this talent in the future and create more fantastic stories and books. I eagerly await the finalised version of Hiraeth. 


I can't believe it's been just over a year since I've updated Hiraeth! 2019 was such a wild year and, personally,  I'm glad to see it gone. I know it's been a while, but I'd really love and appreciate if you guys would check out the latest chapter. The previous chapters are all there if you need a bit of a catch-up. Thank you so much for supporting my work! I look forward to seeing your feedback xx


@WitchAtWerk Hey! Thank you :) It's been so long!


Oh hi!! Welcome back! :D


I've just posted the first chapter for The Stag and the Sentinels! It's book one in a planned five part series and I can't wait to start sharing it with you. I've posted it as only a teaser chapter for now until I have the majority of the novel written, then I'll start posting the rest :) I hope you guys understand the delay (I don't want to rush my baby) and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have loved creating this world over the last ten years xx


Chapter 6 - Bellvein has been updated! I've added another part to the ending so go check it out before we take off on this adventure again. It's been almost a month since I've uploaded and I apologise for the long weight, but I should be back for another round now. Hopefully I stick to it xD


At last the next chapter for Truth in Guile is up! I honestly wanted to delete the entire thing this past week, but I think my state of mind warped how I was reading it because today it's totally fine haha. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment :) xx


Hi! I’m in the process of writing a new story called Jaxon. Just wanted to share this story with you and would appreciate it if you’d check it out and tell me your thoughts on it by voting and leaving a comment.❤️


Yeah I’d be happy to 


@Arij_A Hi : ) Of course! The premise already has me interested! I'd really appreciate it if you would check out my stories too : )


Hi all! I'm super excited to be posting chapters for a story I've had in the making for a few months. Truth in Guile is a magical adventure and coming of age story about an orphan girl who travels to the mystical islands of Guile to find out what happened to her mother. It would mean the world if you would check it out and provide some feedback to help me improve or fill any plot holes! xx