
What do you not like about me? 
          Am I too nice?? 
          Do I have a lot of supporters?? 
          What is ONE I mean ONE thing...
          That you don't like about Me? 
          Now now now, you don't have to reply, and you can go ahead and list unlimited pages of what you don't like about me. 
          I just want to know. That's all I'm asking here. Never to burn bridges.


I wasn't going to call you a horrible person. 


@TheOfficialLeafy Never said he WAS right. And don't call me a horrible person for that. I'm not going to go on with this because I don't need a thousand people on my ass 24/7 because of some guy making a fake account.


Please stop. 
            Just stop. 


Guys welcome to part 2 of our Minecraft let’s play
          Today wwe r exposing leafys hater
          He comment bad things on drawings of peepees
          But why he look at peepee I’m te first place???????
          It can only meen on thing
          He has the gay


Well. Too bad for YOU mr.leafyhaterHATER, i am GIRL!!!!!!!!!!