
I'm slowly starting to get back into writing stories. I really wanna write a story about a girl who is a normal teenager at least she thought she was til she turned maybe 17 or 18 (haven't figured our the age yet), but once on her birthday she finds out the family curse that has been around for thousands years. Then a guy she meets from school or that is supposed to be part of the family (still thinking that though) who wants to take the girl and turn her into something she isn't instead of fighting good fights bad. or Im not sure im still thinking things through, I know there is a lot of stories like this idea but im just thinking of something that I might like and to be different then what everyone else writing.


I'm slowly starting to get back into writing stories. I really wanna write a story about a girl who is a normal teenager at least she thought she was til she turned maybe 17 or 18 (haven't figured our the age yet), but once on her birthday she finds out the family curse that has been around for thousands years. Then a guy she meets from school or that is supposed to be part of the family (still thinking that though) who wants to take the girl and turn her into something she isn't instead of fighting good fights bad. or Im not sure im still thinking things through, I know there is a lot of stories like this idea but im just thinking of something that I might like and to be different then what everyone else writing.


hi my loves, I know Im bad at finishing my stories but, "My Best Friend <Mikey Manfs>" I am going to rewrite fix anything or add anything to it while working on my new story "Kansa Party" (Might rename that) at the same time. I really hope you guys enjoy those stories. :)


feeling alone is the worst feeling. I don't get asked to do anything Orr go anywhere with friends its always my parents asking if I want to go somewhere and 5 out 10 times I don't feel like going with them because I always have these hopes that someone will message me asking to hang out. I've been told someone would come over but they do and never message me again or explain they didn't come over, or they would change their minds about hanging out then say "oh we will tomorrow" or something like that then never go through with it, then im sitting here with my hopes up thinking/feeling no one likes having me around. I just wish this feeling would go away, I wish my depression would go away, I just wish everything would away...


Never meant to hurt you 
          I was trying to save myself 
          From another heart disaster.
          Never meant to leave you 
          Thinking you were just another.
          Never meant to have you 
          Sitting there questioning 
          My love sent to you.
          Never meant to have you 
          Wishing you never saw me
          So your hopes didn’t go up.
          Never meant to have you 
          Guessing why you weren’t 
          Better then the others.
          Funny how things flip around, 
          You sit there at the top of your lungs 
          How your the broken one. 
          When your the one who 
          Did all the breaking. 