
I’m being evacuated because of fires so I won’t update for a while. I hope everything will be ok. 


@officialrandomarts I've been there bro, hope ur ok


The story that I previously mentioned is called Accidents Happen! (Trigger warning for the next bit!!!) A. H might have some pretty triggering topics like shootings, cutting, suicidal thoughts/actions, character death, near character death, car accidents, diseases, extreme/depressed hospital scenes, and more. All this is real, though. It’s more real to some more than others. 


I’m starting a new major series! Yay! It’s mostly things that have happened to me and other people I may or may not know rolled up into one Voltron story. For example, I got stung by a bee today at the pool and it hurt like hecc. I know someone who’s deathly allergic to bees. Therefore, Lance gets stung by a bee when he’s at a pool and he needs an epipen. Give me some experiences you’d like a certain character to have!