I have unpublished all of my works, and here's why!
I haven't been able to update anything for a very long time, and I have realised that I have probably taken up more ideas than I could actually accomplish. I spent a weekend reviewing all the work that was left and here's what is new -
1. I re-read Vengeance and while I would never criticize a 17 year old me for writing it, I did realise that while the story was beautiful, my way of explaining it does not do justice to my thought process right now. The story has a problematic storyline in some parts which I do want to revise.
2. There were some stories which I have realised now would have been better as a short story so I will work on them again sometime this year
3. Here's the good news in this all - I will be re-writing Vengeance! On a different profile but once it's finished there, I will post about it here!