
@I_Love_Allah I have chubby cheeks and I'm pretty sure that it's always going to stay that way. alright, so, I've just realized that we have spent the last messages talking about cheek pinching. And I think it's finally time to take conversation to the next level : My favorite word is "taco" even though I have never tried one but would love to. I like it because it doesn't even sound like an actual word! TA-CO...T-A-C-O! ....(told you i was socially awkward) So, what's your favorite word?


          Salaam to you, too. First off, you are welcome for the voting thing.
          Second, I'm not trying to sound sassy or anything but I don't like it when people pinch my cheek(s) because most of the time it ends up with me holding an ice pack to it or me apologizing to person who did it in the first place. (don't ask) and yeah. Once again, not trying to sound sassy. Bye..<3