
          	legal name:
          	- josephine capponi
          	alias, preferred name:
          	-  josie caponni 
          	nicknames & titles:
          	- josie [most commonly]
          	- josette [by parents]
          	- jo [by the njbc]
          	species & status:
          	- human, alive
          	birthdate, zodiac sign:
          	- december twenty third, capricorn
          	current age:
          	16 - 25 
          	gender & pronouns:
          	- female, she/her
          	— heterosexual
          	place of birth:
          	- manhatten, new york, united states
          	current residence:
          	manhatten, new york, united states
          	positive traits:
          	kind-hearted, compassionate, bubbly, trustworthy, forgiving, non-judgmental, intelligent, independent, honest & loyal 
          	flawed traits: 
          	sensitive, brutally honest, people-pleaser, dramatic, acts before thinking, competitive, overly trusting, overconfident
          	powers & abilities:
          	no special abilities
          	biting her lip/cheek, messing with her hair, pulling her legs to her chest
          	love interest:
          	 nate archibald 
          	love language:
          	words of affirmation, physical touch
          	relationship tropes:
          	friends to lovers
          	she fell first, he fell harder


          legal name:
          - josephine capponi
          alias, preferred name:
          -  josie caponni 
          nicknames & titles:
          - josie [most commonly]
          - josette [by parents]
          - jo [by the njbc]
          species & status:
          - human, alive
          birthdate, zodiac sign:
          - december twenty third, capricorn
          current age:
          16 - 25 
          gender & pronouns:
          - female, she/her
          — heterosexual
          place of birth:
          - manhatten, new york, united states
          current residence:
          manhatten, new york, united states
          positive traits:
          kind-hearted, compassionate, bubbly, trustworthy, forgiving, non-judgmental, intelligent, independent, honest & loyal 
          flawed traits: 
          sensitive, brutally honest, people-pleaser, dramatic, acts before thinking, competitive, overly trusting, overconfident
          powers & abilities:
          no special abilities
          biting her lip/cheek, messing with her hair, pulling her legs to her chest
          love interest:
           nate archibald 
          love language:
          words of affirmation, physical touch
          relationship tropes:
          friends to lovers
          she fell first, he fell harder