//In all reality, all Juliet wants is a family to come home to at the end of the day. A family that will never abandon her, despise her, nor that would die because of her own faults. A family that would love her, and that would be proud to call her a part of their family.
She wants a loving spouse who will not judge her for her demons, but someone who could calm the things in her head like she did for those she knew. A spouse that would support her, be proud to be with her, and be able to be there for her when she feels the most alone.
She wants children to call her own, to be able to support and love them with all her heart and soul. Children that would be able to grow and become good people.
She wants a house on the lake, far from the city lights, that her and her family could stargaze every night. A house that no matter what happens to it: It’s always be home to them.
But, she knows that will never happen so she just lives alone in a shabby motel room, waiting to finally get done with everything.