After losing a bet with Mulciber, Bellatrix was forced to sit through an entire lesson of Professor Slughorn's potions class. The dark-haired witch sat at her table with a distasteful frown on her face, barely paying attention what was being taught. To make the whole situation worst, Bella had ended up being seated next to the Muggle-born girl, Lily Evans. Slughorn had simply stated that it would do Bellatrix a lot of good to be seated next to someone who actually did their work. With a soft but clearly irritated groan, Bella banged her head against the table in frustration.

Stepping out from the shower rooms after Quidditch practice, Adolph slung his bag over his back, his broomstick in the other hand. He was in no hurry to get back the the Great Hall, instead preferring to take his own time. When he woke this morning, much earlier than he would have liked to, he decided to make use of the time. Shaking his head, his still damp hair throwing sprinkles of water, he cleared his mind, absently humming under his breath.

Adolph gave a faint shrug in response, having several ideas of how to stop him, but knowing each one would be ruled out by Lily. "Well I'm afraid that's something you're going to have to put up with. Unless, of course, you'd like me to place him under the Imperius Curse for a while," he mused, having a feeling that idea would be rejected. Evans didn't strike him as the sort of person who was interested in the Dark Arts, even if being used for a good cause.

{ @demonwithxn } She groaned and a small pout grew on her lips. "Then how do I make him stop?" Lily said in a frustrated tone. "It's tiring to be followed around and witness kids dangling in the air for no reason." The female sighed and glanced around surprised to not see Potter.

"Hex him? I'm somehow certain that isn't going to change his mind about you at all. Honestly, someone like that would simply see it as a challenge. And you just happen to be the prize he has his mind set on," Adolph told her. He knew how the mind of Potter worked, had seen it often enough in other purebloods. Or men in general. There was little chance of Lily deterring him with a simple hex. Potter would only see it as her playing hard to get.

thanks for following me ❤❤


Sitting on the Quidditch grandstand by herself, her violin in her lap, Maya found her mind straying from the music she had originally come out here to play. Her fingers absently ran along the timber frame of the instrument, her eyes out on the field. There was no practice today, nothing to distract her, she thought with a wry smile to herself, and yet distract she was. Shaking her head, to clear her thoughts, she glanced back down at the violin in her lap, deciding she might as well put it away.

As she placed the violin back in its case, Maya didn't notice the other girl heading in her direction. Flicking the clasps closed, she turned her attention back onto the empty Quidditch field. It was than she caught sight of someone in her peripheral vision and her head automatically turned in that direction. She recognised the girl as a Gryffindor, Lily or something like that. A quizzical look passed over her face as she realised the girl was making her way over towards her, curious as to what she was doing.

[ @athenasqueen ] Lily was making her way back to school grounds from a day hanging around the forbidden forest. As she was walking, the red head spotted Maya and tilted her head curiously. Lily debated whether to approach the other female or to just walk by but the more she thought about it, the more she walked towards Maya without realizing it.

The library was quiet, quieter than usual, though Adolph figured that was because most normal people had gone to bed. Yet his insomnia had kept him awake, prompting this midnight stroll. He hadn't planned on going to the library, but he had passed it on his way. Standing inside the room, he loitered at the doorway momentarily before he made his way further inside the room.

[ @demonwithxn ] Lily looked at the time and gasped at how late it was. She started running as fast as she could, panting from the heaviness of her bag. By the time she got to the portrait, she was out of breath and feeling light headed. Lily put down her bag and collapsed on the floor, staring at the ceiling and easing her breathing.

With his insomnia still there, Adolph decided he might as well finish his walk of the school. There was no point trying to sleep when he couldn't, though he wondered if he'd run into another Gryffindor. He rather hoped his luck would take a turn for the better, but Adolph had long since realised that luck had nothing to do with anything.