
Helloooo fellow folowers of ofmiceandamelia, (me) 
          	if anyone has a request, would like me to answer a question, or may like a different opinion on something they want to do with their own book, you may all fell free to message me any hour of the day or night and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 
          	if wattpad isn't sufficient for you, I have my kik, twitter and tumblr URL's up on my profile. 
          	       Have a beautiful night and a Gay day!


Helloooo fellow folowers of ofmiceandamelia, (me) 
          if anyone has a request, would like me to answer a question, or may like a different opinion on something they want to do with their own book, you may all fell free to message me any hour of the day or night and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 
          if wattpad isn't sufficient for you, I have my kik, twitter and tumblr URL's up on my profile. 
                 Have a beautiful night and a Gay day!