
i wrote a Larry fanfic, chapter 1 is up. tell me if I should continue it or not, thanks x


so i'll be re-writing (or at least trying to remember what i had written) my fanfic and as soon as i have a decent number of chapters written i'll come on here and publish them. since i started school i won't be able to update anytime soon, once my school schedule clears up, i'll update. well this is bye for now :)


I don't know what the hell happened but my story got deleted, i wanna cry so bad it's not even funny, i had like 4 others chapter written and everything i just needed to publish them, but today when i went to edit a chapter none of them were there! not even the other stories i had written! i don't know what to do, i'm so sorry guys. i;ll try to rewrite the story again, i just dont remember everything, i'm really sorry