It's Funny...
They're all around you everyday...
But can you guess who they are?
They make up 1% of the general population, 20% of all Criminals, 50% of all Felons.....
and 90% of all serial killers
Yes, "they" refers to us; the psychopaths
We look just like you
We lead a seemingly everyday ordinary life, just like you
We share the same neighbourhood
We share the same communities
we share the same cities
We're the ones who live all around your insignificant mundane lives.
So how do you tell who's a psychopath and who's not?
That's Just It, You See, 'Cause You Don't
So it just happens to be that, so very near all of you...
or perhaps . . . . even within you is a psychopath.
So believe me when I tell you
We are
  • Creating games for a couple in 221B ;)
  • RegistriertAugust 4, 2018