hey , babe . i’m coming home . i don’t know where you and the kids are , and i’m technically not on my way yet , and i don’t even know if you can hear me through the force , but . . . i’m coming home .
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/ i thought about revamping this? but nah i'm prolly just gonna let him die
hey , babe . i’m coming home . i don’t know where you and the kids are , and i’m technically not on my way yet , and i don’t even know if you can hear me through the force , but . . . i’m coming home .
it’s been a while since i’ve seen you dad . i think about you a lot. always have. i wish things went back to normal. when we were safe. i miss you. more than anything. i just know if i never had you to help me, i never would be where i am today. you’re my father and you always will be. i hope to see you again some day. i love you. - Rohn
/ i thought about revamping this? but nah i'm prolly just gonna let him die
i need more paints but i can’t find any more. but i don’t have cash to buy it. dad can you PLEASE spot me like 20 credits or even less because i can steal some that i don’t want.
@Iegacies ... here’s 35. just... make sure you buy the good ones that are gonna last a while, yeah?
dad i high key almost died last night but all you need to know is , i’m alive and you cannot ground me anymore .
@Iegacies you - what ?! rohn you could have been killed . what were you thinking ?
oh , kieran . . . I’ve missed you .
@ofsurviving I’m not going back . I can’t now . this is my choice , and I’m sticking with it .
@aruetii myl . . . I want you to come home with me , yeah ? we’ll go back to the station and we can figure this out .
@kenobilight . . . let me guess . you’re a jedi too , yeah ?
@kenobilight * the man didn’t answer for a long moment , his expression entirely devoid of emotion as his gaze studied the unfamiliar woman standing in front of him * . . . her name was master rohn asesuer . she was killed a few days after order 66 was enacted , when our clones turned on us . . . why do you ask ?
* a soft pair of arms wrapped around him from behind , a familiar giggle muffled against his hair * surprise , handsome .
@ofsurviving it’s completely fair — we keep having this conversation , surely you understand by now . * she giggled , returning the kiss as she patted his cheek playfully *
@Mylena_Kor no fair – * laughing lightly , he shook his head and gave her a quick peck on the lips again *
@ofsurviving * she grinned up at him , kissing his cheek a couple times in a playful manner * I love you most! Hah! Can’t beat that!
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