Lastly for Fairy Tail in general, I've lost my drive. Yes, I could tell you from the bottom of my heart about every existing second involving Fairy Tail, the people, plot, etc. EVERY SINGLE THING.
The Fairy Tail manga ended on my 18 birthday. At the time there wasn't more than a "talk" about the 100- year quest, and Eden Zero hadn't even been created yet. When the manga had ended it truly took a piece of my heart with it, I had for the longest time put my human feelings, connections, ambitions, and expectations into Fairy Tail because I had no real life to base from. When most of you as my followers met me, I was a kid who should of been in school like everyone else. My mother took me out of school because of an ongoing health issue I had, and you know how it goes when you lose your school friends you normally lose all of your friends.
When I started writing on this account I was 14, and should of been enjoying my teen years doing dumb useless things, but I was damned to my own bedroom and laid there for 14 hours a day, watching anime, reading and writing. I was lonely, stripped of education and desperate for human connections.
That being said, I've been slightly active on this account in the last few days. As an adult I want to continue writing, not as a hobby but I was to publish my work. So, I'm here to take my whole Wattpad serious as a fully functioning adult. I'm going through each of my works, republishing them, editing and removing the ridiculous ones.
Please be patient, and if you would like to find ways to contact me it will also be in my updated BIO.
Thank you,