
Having issues with my computer atm so I've downloaded Wattpad on my phone, so now I should be updating more again since I have a LOT to publish.... Just thought I'd re-appear from the abyss to let y'all know this.


Heyo y'all! I'm sad to say that the next update for "Lullaby For Us" will be a day or two late. (THANKS WRITERS BLOCK) So that means either tomorrow (Sunday) or the day after (Monday night).  hope this doesn't upset anyone whoops...


Heya! I am literally so sorry for not updating!! I have exams coming up at school so that means barely any time to publish and write more parts for my book, BUT I have been writing little bits at a time so until exams are over, I'm going to possibly put Lullaby For Us on hold. Hope everyone is not getting too impatient and can understand...