as you may have noticed, i’ve been inactive these past few months, both on this platform and on tiktok. you have no idea how much i appreciate your messages asking how i’m doing, and the answer is: i’m doing great.
a few months ago, i moved to another country for a year-long exchange program, and honestly, i haven’t had time to write or edit. it’s a shame because it’s something i love, but all these new experiences have kept me from dedicating time to it. that being said, i want you to know that i’m still here, still thinking about my stories, and maybe in the coming days, there will be an update on one of them (i’ve been working on a chapter of «BITTERSUITE» and another of «BAD HABIT»), but i don’t want to feel pressured to update.
i love you all so much, and thank you for everything. i hope you’re doing well and that you understand. in the meantime, here’s a new edit: