the fact that you aren't taking down or deleting these books of yours shows how immensely pathetic of a human being you are. sorry for being rude but you don't deserve anything for profiting off someone else's hard work. absolutely cowardly of you. if you're choosing to ignore the complains of the ACTUAL AUTHORS OF THE FICS YOU'VE STOELEN, this shows how much of a disgrace you are. you don't deserve respect if you steal works of someone else and not even have some respect to contact them and ask if you can post their works in other platforms. And the fact that your not doing anything shows how ignorant and shameless you are. Blocking others who call out your actions is so childish and shows how immature you clearly are. You don't deserve anyone's forgiveness for your horrendous actions, which has been ongoing for a year. you claim that if someone dms you and wants to take down their STOLEN work, you'd take it down immediately. but from what i'm seeing, that's CLEARLY NOT THE CASE. what an absolute hypocrite.