
You should credit those whose work you stole. You do not deserve your followers if you weren't going to be honest about the books. You might as well delete your account because it is built on lies, plagiarism, and thievery. I'm going to report your account for what you've done, and I hope you do not return to this embarrassing account.


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Stop being a fucking pussy and just delete the damn books. You’re a disgrace to not only the writing community, but to the writing community of tumblr as a whole. If you can put in the fucking effort to copy and paste singular paragraphs in a single day shows you have the time to simply reblog. You’re simply a lazy, hypocritical cunt.


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see? you can take down one book (the blue lock one) so you can listen to us, the original writers and take down the other books as well. and i hope you don’t do shit like this again because we put so much effort into writing just a single fanfic and yet you go and do stupid shit like this. now do it again and delete the other 9 books and learn to reblog, tag on tumblr, you lazy pos


the fact that you aren't taking down or deleting these books of yours shows how immensely pathetic of a human being you are. sorry for being rude but you don't deserve anything for profiting off someone else's hard work. absolutely cowardly of you. if you're choosing to ignore the complains of the ACTUAL AUTHORS OF THE FICS YOU'VE STOELEN, this shows how much of a disgrace you are. you don't deserve respect if you steal works of someone else and not even have some respect to contact them and ask if you can post their works in other platforms. And the fact that your not doing anything shows how ignorant and shameless you are. Blocking others who call out your actions is so childish and shows how immature you clearly are. You don't deserve anyone's forgiveness for your horrendous actions, which has been ongoing for a year. you claim that if someone dms you and wants to take down their STOLEN work, you'd take it down immediately. but from what i'm seeing, that's CLEARLY NOT THE CASE. what an absolute hypocrite.


Had to make an entire wattpad account for this but you need to remove all of the stolen works from your account. you did not seek permission from myself (tteokdoroki) or any of the other authors here who clearly do not allow reposts.


I’m starting to think you don’t mean it when you say that you’ll take it down if people reach out to you. Why is that? Is it because you don’t care? That you know that no matter what, we won’t forgive you for profiting of the writers you’ve stolen from? You’re a coward, a pathetic one at that. Can’t even own up for your mistakes lmfao


hey guys, sh1-n0bu from tumblr here once again. it seems like writing to here won’t work as another author on tumblr - who i won’t name for privacy reasons - dmed this person to get their fics taken down. but they got blocked instead. i think it’ll be better for all of us to mass report this person


you stole my work. 

          please report this and make sure it gets taken down. I NEVER gave consent for this, nor did they ask me. I literally have on my pinned not to repost my work and that has been the exact same case for the last 2 years. this is blatant stealing and not okay. 


delete what you stole and do not EVER post any of my work again or steal from others. this is not acceptable, and the fact that you’ve said you’re going to take down people’s work if they asked but have not is so wildly inappropriate. DELETE THESE STOLEN WORKS  