
I was rereading some of my stories and the CRINGE I felt because of my own writing…… oh lord 


I was scrolling through twitter and I just read a whole thread about a french man who went on trial because he allowed and encouraged 72 men to rape his wife while she was drugged and completely passed out. The evilness of men knows no bounds, this is absolutely heartbreaking 


Hello! I hope you're doing well. I'd love it if you could check out my story. No worries if you're unable to, and feel free to delete this message if you need to. Have a great day!


Hey there, I hope you’re doing well! I’ve checked a bit of your work and I find it rather interesting and entertaining, especially because I’m writing a Sasuke fanfiction. I’ll be sure to keep reading your story! Have a good day ☺️


Guys, I’m going to quit smoking today… please send me good vibes so I don’t tear my hair out, please and thank you 


Thank you  it’s been a struggle, I haven’t been this anxious in months 


Don’t give up love!
            You can do it, you just have to put your mind on it and everything will fall in place, I wish you the best!! 


Damn, I nearly lost access to my account today. No joke, I was literally sweating, trying to remember my password. It broke my heart because I love to write, even if it’s not that amazing, it’s one of the few sources of entertainment I have right now, and I intend to finish my stories. Hell, I even intend to start new ones! Good lord  


I’ve updated Catharsis, for those who might be interested in the story. I didn’t plan to update for some time, given the most recent (and unfortunate) developments in my life, which I’m still trying to digest. I needed to take my mind off the grief for a little bit, that is why I decided to write. It didn’t come out the way I expected, but I hope you enjoy it. 


I don’t think I will be writing for a long while, guys. Like I said in my previous post, I’m sitting in my grief. Nina was everything to me and my boyfriend, we’re heartbroken and frankly, still in denial. Three days ago our cat was alive, and now… she’s not.
          I’ve been raised around cats and dogs all my life, my family has always loved animals. I’ve always loved animals, they’re family to me. I’ve lost so many during my childhood and adolescence. I think it’s been years since the last time I cried this hard, and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop anytime soon. My baby girl is gone forever.
          I think it only hurts less when I’m asleep, because once I open my eyes again, the silence is overwhelming. We no longer hear her light snores, her chewing sounds, her purring… I no longer feel her weight on my chest, her little paws on my chin… her beautiful gaze. I thought I had more time with her. I feel inconsolable. Nothing can bring her back to us. 
          I’m sorry, guys. It’s just… too much. 
          I still intend to finish my stories and eventually I will, once my mental health allows it, but right now… there’s only grief. 
          Stay safe, guys. Hug your pets, love them as much as you can, they all deserve love. Enjoy their company for as long as you can.