This is completely understandable, I’m glad you took the initiative to let this out. I believe that your mind is absolutely incredible, and if you do decide to discontinue ballad of the phoenix and perhaps pursue another project you have in mind, that’s absolutely alright. It’s also absolutely alright to discontinue ballad of the phoenix and just not write for a while as well! I understand that even despite your age or your amount of free time, holding on to the passion and motivation to do a particular thing can still be scarce. It’s an awful feeling, but it’s also okay! Only you can dictate how you want to go about your own writing journey and I know that regardless of whatever decision you make and whatever you decide to write, there will be people to support you (like me), and even better, you’ll hopefully gain the motivation and inspiration if you let yourself pursue what you think is best for you! Wishing you all the best, I hope that in time (give yourself all the time you need), the passion that comes with writing something you feel extremely connected to comes back. <33