Chapter 52 of THE NEW GUY is published, my loves! I can't believe it's been this many chapters already!
I am so damn excited for these upcoming chapters. There's going to be a little bit of everything mixed in them.
Sometimes, when writing chapters where the characters are emotional struggling, I find myself struggling as well. Maybe it's because I go through issues myself, and I find myself relating. Or maybe I write from experience.
I find myself really trying to express a characters feelings. Doing that for Levi is very difficult.. simply because of all of the trauma he has been through. It really is rough on my brain, especially when I need to try and write chapters through his eyes. Because the true hurt he must feel inside probably isn't even able to be expressed into words.
I'm also doing my best to make it all make sense to the plot, but also to the real world.
They are not just characters we've grown to love, but to us, they are people.
I hope I don't let you guys down <3