I’m SCREAMING! How fitting is it that you’re the first one to read and vote on the first chapter of MLC Revamped?! It’s so good to be back, friend. I’ve missed you and I hope to catch up soon.
i’m not black, but i see you.
i’m not black, but i hear you.
i’m not black, but i mourn with you.
i’m not black, but i will fight for you.
God bless everyone protesting for the black lives matter movement. Stay safe #BlackLivesMatter
@theinkslingerr I work at home too and honestly after staring at a computer all day I have no urge to type anymore. So I feel your pain.
Thank you so much that means a lot to me. Te amo <3
@okayannies After working from home on the weekdays, I definitely just wanna watch Netflix and not worry about anything. I’m more productive on the weekends.
But I seriously can’t wait to read more of Focus! The first chapter hooked me, and it’s got massive potential! (Wattpad really does like to play me lol)
@theinkslingerr I definitely think it depends on the day for me. Sometimes I feel inspired and other times I just want to watch Netflix and not worry about anything else.
Please inquire as much as you like because honestly it pushes me to actually get down and write. You’re giving me the exact push I need (which I fully appreciate). Wattpad likes to play you like that.
Trying to edit/write this next chapter I’m trying to post is so tragic. The content is ok(ish) but my navigation of posting on Wattpad is just irritating... and I accidentally published the chapter without finishing it. Yikes! Stay tuned for tears!!
I read somewhere that if you’re a creative who neglects creating, then that energy manifests elsewhere, even in unhealthy/draining ways, so here’s to me attempting to create xoxo
@okayannies Love you too <3 Working and living day to day is so draining. Doing something creative that you love is definitely fulfilling. As writers, we’re our own biggest critic, but I’m learning more and more to push past that and just write, and it’s the best feeling in the world. Especially as you see yourself getting better and better, because as corny as it sounds practice does really make perfect.
@theinkslingerr Wow I just wanted to let you know that I love you a whole lot and I needed this! I’m trying to do more writing because honestly while grueling work, it’s fulfilling.
@okayannies That makes so much sense. There was a period of time I wasn’t writing or doing much of anything creative, and they were dark days.
You know I’ll be the first to read anything you post, so here’s to creating *raises glass*