
We just hit 400k on No Laughing Matter!!! Thank you all so much, this means so much to me. When I first started writing this book I never expected anyone to read it and now that so many of you have, from all over the globe I'm so shocked and feel so grateful! Thank you all so much! Love y'all 


We just hit 400k on No Laughing Matter!!! Thank you all so much, this means so much to me. When I first started writing this book I never expected anyone to read it and now that so many of you have, from all over the globe I'm so shocked and feel so grateful! Thank you all so much! Love y'all 


I love hyena and I can't wait to read what happens next in freedom keep up the amazing work and if they don't know what the meaning of the word fantasy they really need to look it up cause hello it says right in the word. A story someone made up for the fun of letting they're imagination run with words attached to paper so others can read it to and share in the same fun the author is have when they write out that fun. So to the people who can't have fun reading this author is writing go somewhere else cause you don't have an imagination to read these amazing stories. To the author do you and maybe use the bad stuff to fuel your writing and keep up the amazing work and I hope you are keeping safe and healthy and I love this stories.


@SamanthaJones387 thank you lovely ❤️